Business ERP Solution/Product/POS/Company Management is an awesome business application, complete web solution to manage your business smartly. Business ERP solutions not only help you to manage your business but also you can completely keep track your sales, inventory, expenses, and purchase module with good historical and reporting data. It has a number of built-in reports to manage stock, payments, expenses, purchases, item bar code, employee attendance, etc.
Technical Features
- ASP.NET Core 8.0
- EF Core code first
- Partial page update CRUD operation
- Razor and jQuery for FE
- jQuery DataTable for faster data load
- Sweet Alert2 and Toaster notification
- select2 dropdown
- ASP.NET Core MVC Architecture
- Uses Swagger for API documentation
- Dependency Injection
- Standard Naming conventions
- JWT Token Based Authentication and Claim Based Authorization
- All Methods are Async/Await
- CORS Settings
Download Business ERP Solution/Product/POS/Company Management